Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Catholicism and Why I Like Jokes That Degrade Women

From Katie Mo:

Why did the woman cross the road?

wait...what's that bitch doing out of the kitchen?

Jokes about women make me laugh until my sides hurt, I really don't like anything in the genre of "chick flick" and often wish to uppercut Betty Crocker in the face. Isn't she dead? How does she keep coming up with new things to put cheese on? Suck it Crocker.

I think my aversion to being the ideal woman started during Catholic education classes in grade school. The teacher would always talk about these great things the men did in the bible: David, Jonah, Jesus, Paul, Peter...(I think I'm just naming random names now and hoping that they are in the Bible). We never talked about women except for Mary and certain saints whose purpose was to nurse the men back to health or pop out babies, I don't quite remember. But, I do remember this one fine day in 6th grade, the teacher was asking us to pick our saint name for Confirmation. Most of the girls were picking saints like, Grace: the saint of loving animals or Katherine: the saint of being lame. I asked the teacher why there weren't any saints who slayed dragons or pillaged villages? She said that they were, but they were harlots and was asked to choose a more "acceptable" woman figure to follow.

Acceptable? I think a whore that blows shit up is way more acceptable than a woman who is there to serve the men around her. I know plenty of chicks who find jokes that degrade women offensive, but seriously, you're offending all women if you can't find the humor in it.

Now, raise your hand if you like boobies!

1 comment:

  1. I told the "What's the difference between a bitch and a whore" joke the other day. It had mixed landing. And for once, I don't think it was because I told the joke wrong.
